Friday, August 24, 2007

The call of Love

Love me woman of my dreams. Heed the call of my heart through time.
I will build a shrine to your beauty with my soul.
Grant me your love so that time will stop to wonder at my passion for you.
Let the dreams become real so that we become immortal!
Will a woman answer these calls and complete me?

Small of her back

I kiss the small of her back as she sleeps, the room is cold but she radiates a heat that can only be the product of passion. My heart starts to thump so hard that I cannot hear anything else. She stirs while a smile moves her lips. I stroke my fingers flittingly down her leg, she twitches; tickled. I stretch myself beside her and inhale her essence, her hair is soft as silk as I draw closer to her. I hold her and wish that this moment will never end. And as I drift into sleep, my soul is left restless with all the torrent of affection I feel for her.


I want to hold a woman in my arms and absorb all that she is through all of my senses. I want the smell to envelope me in its richness and muskiness, my hands to caress every contour and curve of her soft silky skin and the warmth of her being, my eyes to feast on her spellbinding beauty, my ears to pick up the beat of her heart as the blood rushes through her veins, the taste of her on my tongue to intoxicate me beyond reason, but most importantly, my heart to drown in the passion and love that we share for each other.